Several common cattle infectious diseases and preventive measures

Several common cattle infectious diseases and preventive measures

It is inevitable that some infectious diseases will appear in the process of raising cattle, but many farmers cannot take scientific prevention and control measures in time, which leads to the spread of infectious diseases in the cattle herd, which not only increases the difficulty of prevention and control, but also causes serious economic losses. loss. Therefore, every breeder must combine some common local types of cattle infectious diseases to understand its epidemic characteristics and incidence characteristics, and take preventive measures in advance to minimize the occurrence of infectious diseases. At the same time, for infectious diseases that have occurred, they must be isolated and treated as soon as possible to avoid the spread of the epidemic and lead to greater losses.


1 Bovine ephemeral fever

1.1 Epidemiology

The disease has obvious seasonal characteristics and mainly occurs in summer. Mosquito bites and contact with sick cattle are common transmission routes. Infection through blood and droplets. Buffalo, cattle and other breeds are susceptible objects, and the incidence of prime-age cattle is higher than that of calves. The onset is sudden and highly contagious, usually within 12 hours, affecting the entire cowshed or most of the cattle in the farm. The disease is mostly benign, and the mortality rate is less than 5%.

1.2 Clinical diagnosis

Mastering the symptoms of bovine epidemic fever can provide reference for farmers to judge the disease and take countermeasures at the first time. (1) In the early stage of the disease, the sick cows had chills, the limbs could not stand up or walk normally, and the body temperature rose to 40~41℃. Sick cows have red eyelids, dry noses, and shortness of breath. After 12 hours of onset, food and water were lost, it was difficult to get up when lying down, the stool was dry, and the urine output also decreased. If it is a postpartum cow, the amount of milk decreases significantly.

1.3 Prevention and treatment

The outbreak of bovine epidemic fever is sudden, and it is especially critical to do a good job in prevention. After entering June, it is necessary to strengthen the cleaning and sanitation of the farm, clean up the manure in time, do a good job of killing mosquitoes and insects, eliminate the source of infection, and cut off the transmission route. If there is a suspected case, or if it is judged to be bovine epidemic fever, the breeding staff will isolate the sick cow as soon as possible, and at the same time, other cows in the same column with the sick cow should also be injected with hyperimmune serum for prevention. When the sick cow has high fever, intramuscular injection of compound aminopyrine 20-40mL. Severely sick cows are given large doses of antibiotics, and intravenous injection of glucose, saline, VC and other drugs.

cattle disease

2 Tuberculosis

2.1 Epidemiology

The causative agent of the disease is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is widely spread in various organs of sick cows. For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which exists in the digestive system, can be excreted through the feces of sick cows, contaminating water sources, pasture, and feed, and causing infection after contact with healthy cows; Droplets, etc. infect healthy cattle. The disease can occur all year round, and the incidence is higher in some conditions with high breeding density and poor cow barn environment.

2.2 Clinical diagnosis

The incubation period of bovine tuberculosis is longer, up to 2 weeks. After the diseased cattle, the specific symptoms of the disease are also significantly different according to the different parts of the disease. For example, pulmonary tuberculosis is mostly manifested as cough, weight loss, and gong sound in the lungs; intestinal tuberculosis is mostly manifested as constipation, decreased urine, yellowing, etc.; Breast tuberculosis, the milk production is significantly reduced, and the milk is uneven, sometimes the milk is thin, and sometimes there are pus lumps. By touching the udder of the cow, irregular lumps can be found.

2.3 Prevention and treatment

Breeders should cooperate with local epidemic prevention stations, veterinary stations, etc. to do a good job in quarantine twice a year in spring and autumn to prevent the introduction of tuberculosis. Regular cleaning and disinfection of cowsheds and farms should be carried out, routine disinfection should be carried out once a month, and thorough disinfection should be carried out every quarter. For positive diseased cattle, common drugs such as streptomycin and sodium p-aminosalicylate can be used in combination with intramuscular injection and oral administration. Intramuscular injection of streptomycin 5000U/kg, once every other day. If the drug treatment is not effective after isolation, the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law should be strictly implemented and culling should be carried out.

Cattle Foot and mouth disease

3.1 Epidemiology

Cattle and dairy cows are susceptible to the disease, and sick cows can carry foot-and-mouth disease virus for a long time and become the source of infection. The virus can widely exist in the esophagus, digestive tract and other parts of sick cows, and saliva, urine, feces, etc. can carry the virus and become a channel of infection. In addition, mice, cats, etc., may also become infectious agents. The disease has a relatively high incidence in spring and winter, and has the characteristics of sudden onset, serious harm and high infection rate.

3.2 Clinical diagnosis

Different breeds and physiques of cattle infected have different clinical symptoms. The incubation period is long or short, as short as 1 to 2 days, and the elderly can reach about 3 weeks. The symptoms are blisters or ulceration in the mouth, breasts, hooves, etc. The blisters can burst with chewing, feeding, walking, etc., and then ulcerate. The body temperature of the sick cows rose to about 40°C. Mouth drooling, eyes watering. Severe cases can lead to other conditions such as myocarditis.

3.3 Prevention and treatment

By inoculating attenuated vaccines or inactivated vaccines, the immunity of cattle against foot-and-mouth disease can be improved. For sick cows, measures should be taken in conjunction with the disease site. For oral treatment, wash the mouth with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution, 2% acetic acid or vinegar, and then apply 10% iodine glycerin to the ulcerated surface. Hoof treatment Soak hoofs with 3% Lysol. When cattle have complications or malignant foot-and-mouth disease, in addition to local symptomatic treatment, cardiotonic agents, nutritional supplements, antibiotics and other treatments can be applied.

cattle breeding

4 Conclusion

Cattle infectious diseases focus on prevention. Through timely vaccination, strengthening sanitation management of cattle sheds, and regular disinfection work, the incidence rate can be reduced. After the disease has been determined, it is necessary to isolate the disease for the first time, and then take symptomatic medication to avoid the spread of the disease and reduce losses.